
Our district publishes large scale aerial applications here whenever they are scheduled. They are published a day before they are conducted.
The district shall be conducting community aerial application over five blocks in west rural and southwest Modesto, Empire, and Waterford (see attached map) on Wednesday October 30, 2024, at 8:30 pm through 10:30 pm, and may be rescheduled for the same time on Thursday, October 31, 2024, in case of inclement weather.
1. Empire - Franzine Rd-Bent Rd-Toulumne River 1,827 acres
2. East Modesto - Roscoe Rd-Yosemite Blvd-N Missouri Ave 1,493 acres
Total acreage 3,320.
Our district also publishes other public notices on this website. General announcements may be posted on the website and our community bulletin board at the gate, as appropriate.